we will be gathering resources and materials for families
- parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, big brothers
and sisters, baby-sitters, and all other interested individuals.
Also visit the Resources for Parents
area for more material.
you would like to contribute your own ideas, please
e-mail us.
skeptics look back upon their childhood wondering what particular
experiences may have contributed to their position and worldview.
Parents, also, are developing new activities and experiences
for their children that they hope will provide a firm grounding
in reality and serve them well throughout life. The activities
are often those that promote an appreciation for science
and nature, an understanding of what can go wrong in our
thinking and the development of a set of skills to help
sort through the diverse phenomena we encounter. The activities
may not be directly related to skepticism nor aptly labeled
"skeptical" but nevertheless, they played a significant
role in our lives or the lives of our children and are worth
will be collecting childhood activities and experiences
here for the interest and benefit of site visitors. To read
the stories, click
here or on the graphic link above. If you would like
to contribute your own, please
send them via e-mail.
Programs & Outreach
community groups and other individuals are interested in developing
programs that can be organized in local areas and that serve
as an outlet for young people to learn about and experiment
with science and skepticism, pseudoscience and the paranormal.
Extracurricular programs can compliment traditional academic
life by providing a less formal setting in which to explore
subjects of interest through a diverse set of styles and methods.
With a different structure than the classroom and a greater
emphasis on interdisciplinary subjects and the popularity
of the paranormal within our societies, the programs can be
great fun for participants and provide a rich and diverse
platform for the lifelong pursuit of learning and creative
and critical inquiry. Click on the heading above to learn
more about these efforts.

lands of make-believe house great treasures created for and
by our imaginations. Without ruining the excitement and magic
of imaginary worlds, the Young Skeptics Program explores the
many people, places and things to be found in the lands of
make-believe, compares fantasy with reality, promotes skepticism
and critical inquiry and has a wonderfully fun time! Click
or on the graphic link above to access this activity.
Ings Program
The Young Skeptics Program is collecting a variety of
family activities and materials under the project heading
"the ings program." "Ing" refers to the
verb ending that denotes active participation in learning
about the world and applying scientific thinking to the paranormal
realm. Click on the heading to read more.
Theme Parties
How can parents get involved with their child's school?
TV, movie, book & toy resources for the skeptical